unmaterial books
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Reissues of Willi Frischauer’s classic World War II biographies, written from expert knowledge and first-hand interviews with families and collaborators soon after the war, while they were still alive to reveal what they knew

Himmler: The Evil Genius of the Third Reich

The Man Who Came Back: The Story of Otto John

and links to a FREE ebook of The Altmark Affair (with Robert Jackson) 

About the author

cover of Goering

Goering (1950)
also published as The Rise and Fall of Hermann Goering (1953)

Willi Frischauer's brilliant analysis of this many-sided and complex personality revealed for the first time the authentic inner story of the man who has been called the Nazi Nero. Frischauer had unrivalled access to the people close to Goering – talking at length with Goering's widow, his personal valet, his closest friend and his Chief of Staff – as well as expert knowledge of the Nazi regime. The book tells of the intrigues within the Nazi Party, of how Goering simultaneously built up the Luftwaffe and feathered his own nest by investing in aircraft companies – of the dramatic Nuremberg trial and the mystery surrounding his suicide. It also tells how Goering, the much decorated fighter ace of the First World War Richthoven Circus, became Fokker's commercial traveller in Sweden – of his lasting infatuation for his first wife Karin, to whose memory he dedicated his fantastic luxury palace, ‘Karinhall’. You are shown Goering the family man and self-styled model of chivalry who nevertheless signed documents sending thousands to slavery – Goering the playboy and drug addict – Goering the master pirate who ransacked Europe's art galleries and museums to satisfy his greed for works of art. Frischauer provides a fair, unbiased, factual summing-up, packed with detail, charged with such drama and changing human fortune as few lives can have rivalled.

ISBN: 978-1-78301-221-3

See samples and buy ebook at Amazon.co.uk; Amazon.com; Apple; B&N; Kobo
cover of Himmler
Himmler: The Evil Genius of the Third Reich (1953)

This compelling study of Heinrich Himmler is a forceful, dispassionate analysis of a man who rose from obscure beginnings as an agricultural student to a position of almost absolute power, until, in the Nazi twilight, he challenged Hitler himself. Outwardly insignificant, diffident – possessing neither the flamboyance of Goering nor the incisiveness of Goebbels – Himmler, head of the dreaded Secret Police, yet made himself the man most feared in the Nazi hierarchy – and as much by his ‘friends’ as his enemies. Only when the incredible facts about Himmler's extraordin­ary hold over his colleagues became known were the full depths of the infamy to which Nazism had brought Germany revealed 

The book,  the first complete biography of Himmler, from birth to death, was based on Frischauer’s unique knowledge of the background and sequence of events which gave rise to the Hitler regime. In its prepara­tion, the author had access to much hitherto unpublished material and, in quest of new facts to throw light on the enigma of Himmler's character and personality, travelled extensively in Germany, Austria and other countries interviewing people who, like Himmler's widow, his brother and senior S.S. officers, knew him most intimately. He unearthed the evidence, building up, stone by stone, the mosaic of Himmler’s true portrait. How the baleful leader of the Gestapo, who, in the final analysis, turned out to be ‘a ridiculous mouse’, nevertheless was able to bring forth a mountain of misery without counterpart in modern history was for the first time revealed by Willi Frischauer in this fully documented and unforgettable narrative.

ISBN: 978-1-78301-254-1

See samples and buy ebook at Amazon.co.uk; Amazon.com; Apple; B&N; Kobo
Otto John cover

The Man Who Came Back: The Story of Otto John (1958)
also published as Berlin Betrayal: The Story of Otto John (1961)

The Man Who Came Back reads like a modern political thriller. This astonishing – but true – story not only relates the dramatic details of John’s youthful opposition against the Nazis, but also gives a full account of his part in the great German wartime conspiracy and bomb plot against Hitler in July 1944. The description of John’s hair’s-breadth escape to Britain, and his work for the British Black Propaganda organization, threw light for the first time on many well-kept war secrets.

Returning to his defeated and divided Fatherland as Chief of West German Intelli­gence, John was soon involved in the frantic underground warfare of rival espionage organizations; he was also caught up in the East–West conflict of conscience which harassed many of his compatriots. His mysterious ‘disappearance’ from West Germany and emergence in Com­munist East Germany, his equally baffling return to the West, and his controversial trial, coincided with important stages in Germany's postwar development.

Was Otto John a criminal and a traitor, or a hero and martyr? That is the question which this exciting book probes. It was a question that concerned not only the fate of one man but the future of Germany, Europe, and, perhaps, the peace of the world.

See samples and buy ebook at Amazon.co.uk; Amazon.com; Apple; B&N; Kobo
cover of Altmark Affair

The Altmark Affair (with Robert Jackson, 1955)
also published as

The Navy's Here: The Story of the ‘Altmark’ Affair and the Battle of the River Plate (1955)

Available to download (in a flawed edition, not from Unmaterial Books)


from archive.org

From the original edition of Goering 

Willi Frischauer, born 8 September 1906, in Vienna, became editor of a Vienna newspaper at twenty-three. In the 1930s he helped to reveal the “Schickelgrueber” story of Hitler’s origin, first published in Frischauer’s newspaper in Vienna. He settled in England in 1935, worked in Fleet Street, chiefly as “German and Continental Affairs” expert, also as a reporter. During World War II, he lectured for the Ministry of Information on Nazi Germany and its leaders – an interest dating back twenty-five years. Previous publications in England: Twilight in Vienna (1938) and The Nazis at War (1940).
About the author

Willi Frischauer portrait

Willi Frischauer
as a British war correspondent during World War II


Willi Frischauer continued to be a leading journalist and analyst of international affairs, while also gaining a considerable following as an early celebrity biographer, publishing bestselling portraits of figures such as Aristotle Onassis (1968), Otto Preminger (1973), Jacqueline Kennedy (1977) and Princess Margaret (1977). European Commuter (1964) is his account of his own adventures. He died in 1978.

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